
At Leda Primary School, Mathematics is taught using a variety of strategies and a whole school- structured approach. 

Mathematics lessons begin with Daily Warm-ups revising targets concepts across a various Mathematics strands. Lessons will include a Learning Intention and Success Criteria in line with the whole school pedagogical framework that links directly with Western Australian Curriculum outcomes for Mathematics. Students will participate in explicit teaching, guided practise and then independent and collaborative practice to apply their learning. During this phase of a lesson students will work on Mental calculate strategies, problem solving activities as well as concept practise and revision. All lessons will conclude with a plenary and revision of learning concepts to check for understanding.  

Bond Blocks 

Bond Blocks is an evidence-based program being implemented in 2024 across Kindy to Year 3 for all students and Year 4-6 as a number intervention program. This program focuses on improving students’ addition and subtraction. It supports classroom teachers with the aim of giving the students the ability to have automatic recall with basic number underpinnings. Bond Blocks present clear learning goals, connections are made between the concrete, representational and abstract of learning basic addition and subtraction and are differentiated according to the ability of the student participating.  

For more information on Bond Blocks, please see the below websites for information and evidence based articles. 

Bond Blocks website

Evidence base of Bond Blocks