Behaviour Management

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a K – 6 school wide framework aimed at improving the academic and behavioural outcomes of all students. PBS works to establish a climate in which appropriate behaviour is the norm. This occurs using proactive strategies and the explicit teaching of behavioural expectations.  

PBS places major focus on prevention and the following key elements create a safe, positive and productive learning environment: 

  • Clearly defined and taught behaviour expectations – staff teach behaviours as they would teach academics or any other skill. Staff repeat this process until students learn the new behaviours. 
  • Consistent and frequent acknowledgement of appropriate behaviour – a school wide focus on all staff giving students high rates of positive performance feedback is important because it can improve the interactions between students and staff and therefore improve the school climate. We want to establish a positive school climate in which compliance receives more attention than non-compliance. 
  • Constructively and specifically addressing problem behaviour – introducing, modelling, and reinforcing positive social behaviour is an important step of a student’s educational experience. Teaching behavioural expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehaviour to occur before responding. 
  • Effective use of behaviour data to assess and inform decision making – PBS is an evidence-based research approach, which has resulted in increased time for instruction, an increase in positive behaviours school wide and a decrease in disruptive behaviours. Data collected is used in an ongoing process to drive the program. 

Teaching accepted behaviours – matrix  

  • At Leda Primary School we have a school matrix. This matrix is to be displayed in all classroom and public places. The matrix explains the behaviours we expect under each of the four expectations. 

Teaching accepted behaviours – teaching schedule (term-by-term breakdown):  

Each term, teachers follow the teaching schedule to teach the expected behaviours. 

WK Term 1 
Respect We use appropriate and respectful language  
Responsibility We are honest 
Self-Control We communicate our feelings and needs appropriately 
Learner We use active listening 
Respect We keep our belongings and school property graffiti free 
Responsibility We wear correct school colours including a school hat 
Self-Control We walk on concrete and paths  
Learner We stay on task and complete our work in a timely manner. 
Responsibility We take responsibility for our behaviour 
10 Learner We work independently on set activities 
WK Term 2 
Respect We follow instructions 
Responsibility We are on time to class and activities 
Self-Control We keep our hands and feet to ourselves 
Learner We demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning 
Respect We allow others to learn 
Responsibility We ask for help when needed 
Self-Control We practice our strategies to regulate our emotions 
Learner We take pride in our work 
Responsibility We report problems to a teacher 
10 Respect We include others 
WK Term 3 
Responsibility We are organised for our lessons 
Self-Control We persevere with challenging tasks 
Learner We begin our tasks quickly 
Responsibility We play in the appropriate areas 
Self-Control We use strategies to solve problems before asking for help 
Respect We celebrate the success of others 
Self-Control We use the toilets properly 
Learner We use appropriate classroom manners 
Respect We talk at appropriate times 
10 Responsibility We complete our work on time 
WK Term 4 
Respect We use manners, compliments and kind words 
Responsibility We put rubbish in the bin 
Self-Control We use equipment safely and appropriately 
Learner We work collaboratively in groups 
Respect We play fairly 
Responsibility We look after school property and personal belongings 
Self-Control We respond to challenging situations using appropriate strategies 
Learner We negotiate the rules of games before participating 
Respect We consider the feelings of others 
10 Responsibility We only keep items that belong to us 

Encouraging social behaviour – our reward system 

Purpose: To develop a continuum of encouragement strategies used by all staff with all students in all settings. 

Whole School Reward Model 

The whole school reward model is based on generosity. When young people feel like they belong to a community they have the potential to be exposed to the feedback that they are valued and esteemed. In working with others, we are more likely to see that our life has purpose or at least, that some of our efforts are appreciated. In helping others, young people discover they have the power to influence their world in a positive way. 

Leda Primary School’s reward system operates in three stages: 

  1. Free and frequent – all staff use every day. 
  2. Non-contingent attention – winning over. 
  3. Contingent attention – encouragement and specific positive feedback, using PBS language.  
  4. PBS slips linked to the behavioural focus of the week – tangible reward – raffle draw – with a reward of an extra 10 minutes of play. 
  5. PBS tokens linked to all other expectations – tangible reward – short term rewards (awarded occasionally), long term rewards (annual faction celebrations) and ration of reinforcements to corrections 4:1. 

PBS Slip and boxes 

PBS tokens – free and frequent 

  • Tokens are given to all students throughout the day to recognize and acknowledge when they have demonstrated any of the school behaviour expectations from the values respect, responsibility, self-control and learner in any location in the school. 

We are respectful

 We are responsible 

We show self-control

We are Learners

Positive Behaviour Support 2024

Good Standing


Good Standing Policies in schools were introduced by the Department of Education

to address ongoing behaviours that disrupt the learning of students. The Good

Standing Policy provides a framework and guidelines to assist staff in supporting

students to display positive behaviours in line with our expectations of Respect,

Responsibility, Self-Control and Learner.


All students commence the school year with Good Standing status.

Maintaining Good Standing requires students to uphold the Leda expectations and

display acceptable behaviours in accordance with the positive behaviour matrix.


Students with Good Standing are eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities

such as whole-school and PBS reward days, performances/visiting performers,

excursions, class rewards, interschool sporting events and formal ceremonies. If

Good Standing is lost, students will not be able to participate in any of these activities.