All students should wear the school uniform as per the School Uniform and Dress Policy. It is felt that the wearing of a uniform helps to enhance school pride and tradition as well as contributing to a sense of belonging. Parent support for wearing of uniforms is essential and is appreciated. Children are required, for safety, to wear suitable shoes at all times.
View the Uniform Policy in the policy section.
Ordering your child’s uniform
Leda Primary School uniforms are only available from LOWES located at Rockingham City Shopping Centre in Rockingham.
Black Leda Primary School reversible bucket hats with faction colour – $13, can only be purchased from the front office by cash or EFTPOS or via the QKR app.

Valuables at School
No responsibility can be taken by the school for the protection from damage or theft of personal items such as radios, games, toys or jewellery which children may bring to school. For this reason, parents are asked not to allow children to bring valuables to school.