Absence and Attendance

To comply with the ‘School Education Act 1999’ all children should attend school unless sick. A written explanation is required for each and every absence from school. When a child is absent from school for any reason, parents are asked to send a note stating the reasons for the absence, when the child returns to school.

Leda Primary School has implemented an automated SMS program which is linked directly to our student database and will send an SMS at 9.30am when it recognises a student is absent. Parents have the option to respond via text from their mobile phone and/or send advance absence notification via text to 0437 280 668 which links directly to our database program.

SMS 0437 280 668

School Attendance is very important. 

The Department of Education regulations requires a verbal or written explanation from the child’s parent/guardian as to why your child was absent from school.  If your child is to be away for an extended period of time you will need to inform the Principal.  

There are a number of ways you can notify the school of an absence:

  • Send a text via MessageYou 0437 280 668
  • Phone the school
  • Write a note or direct email to the teacher/school

Late Arrivals

Students arriving after 8.40am must collect a Late Note from the Administration office which is then taken to the class by the student.

Leaving School Grounds

Parents/Carers collecting children before 2.30pm must first come to the Administration office to sign them out.